Humanitarian insights from the latest IPCC report – via cartoons and cardboard theater

March 8, 2022
Guest post by the always-original Pablo Suarez The science of climate change impacts can be painfully confusing, and at times infuriatingly complex to communicate, especially for those of us who need to act and help based on what is known. Last week the IPCC released “Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability”, a full report with over 3,000 pages of

What to read on Ukraine?

March 7, 2022
Calling this ‘Links I Liked’ seems even more unsuitable than ever, hence the change of title. Last week, I tweeted a request for thoughtful background pieces, to complement the blow by blow reportage and moral outrage, and this is what I got, with excerpts. Would welcome more links, esp from non-Western sources. And women – this is a male-only set

Development Nutshell: round-up (24m) of FP2P posts, w/b 21st and 28th February

March 5, 2022
Talking you through FP2P’s most recent posts, interrupted by Covid and holidays: Links I Liked How do you overcome the blockers to your great idea? What has global military spending and emissions got to do with development? Rather a lot. A climate plea: An IPCC Special Report on Children?

A climate plea: An IPCC Special Report on Children?

March 3, 2022
More reaction to this week’s IPCC report, horribly overshadowed by events in Ukraine Whether you have one or not, impacts on children often invoke the strongest feelings in times of crisis, be it the recent flood victims of Madagascar or the civilian casualties of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But another thing we know about children is that they can

What has global military spending and emissions got to do with development? Rather a lot.

March 2, 2022
A timely guest post from Deborah Burton Stumbling Upon A Rather Well-Funded Gas-Guzzling Elephant in The Room As a former trade and tax campaigner (Christian Aid), I was fascinated by the progression of development sector campaigns – from debt to trade, from trade to tax. I now see something similar in the climate/military relationship because conveniently, deliberately, hidden away inside

How do you overcome the blockers to your great idea?

February 22, 2022
Sometimes your (or at least, my) thinking gets stuck without you even realizing it, until a chance conversation brings it home. So it was in a recent conversation with some great participants in LSE’s Executive Masters in Cities programme. They were presenting their personal projects on various aspects of urban transformation, from access to water, to reviving pollinators/bees in urban

Links I Liked

February 21, 2022
Trickle down economics + tax havens ht Sony Kapoor ‘Make Us Feel Uncomfortable…’ Three Tips From @PaulPolman On How Charities Should Work With Business. Nice write up of his recent talk to @Oxfam staff Myanmar’s first literary work since coup reveals ‘courage and altruism’ of writers. Love the idea of ‘witness writing’ (≥ protest writing)… 15 of the

Development Nutshell: round-up (27m) of FP2P posts, w/b 7th February and 14th February

February 19, 2022
No excerpt

How do you set up an effective network? Some thoughts + an appeal for links and suggestions

February 17, 2022
Had an interesting exchange with a friend active in UK grassroots politics this week, who asked ‘What’s the best reading around how to build effective networks? I’m basically a little suspicious atm as it all seems a bit stakeholder mappy / retrospective analysis of change, rather than practical, pro-active strategy. It’s not that I don’t understand the importance of systems,

Who supports the people who support entrepreneurs? Introducing a new tool for ecosystem leaders

February 16, 2022
Guest post by Mary Mwangi and Brenda Wangari In recent years, we have seen more capacity building support directed towards locally-led enterprise support organizations (ESOs) such as accelerators, incubators, seed funds and consulting practices. These ESOs are at the frontline, providing critical business development services to local entrepreneurs. In Africa and many developing regions, such entrepreneurs are key drivers of

Northern Institutions Dominate International Development Research: So What?

February 15, 2022
Guest post by Veronica Amarante, Nisha Arunatilake, Ronelle Burger, Arjan de Haan, Ana-Lucia Kassouf and Lucas Ronconi The international community has long accepted that development needs to be locally owned, and that international support and cooperation need to facilitate leadership by local actors. Yet it is increasingly noticeable that development research is lagging behind in this respect. As we raise

Links I Liked

February 14, 2022
Sorry to be such a killjoy, but I’m with him. A rural hospital in Bangladesh is named the world’s best new building ht Tobias Denskus I’ve been off work all week with Covid (after three vaccinations, more like mild flu than a death sentence), so stories like this resonate even more than usual. The Vaccine Mark-Up: Counting More in aid