Links I Liked

February 14, 2022

     By Duncan Green     

Wordle score

Sorry to be such a killjoy, but I’m with him.

A rural hospital in Bangladesh is named the world’s best new building ht Tobias Denskus

I’ve been off work all week with Covid (after three vaccinations, more like mild flu than a death sentence), so stories like this resonate even more than usual. The Vaccine Mark-Up: Counting More in aid than We Paid for Vaccines is Illogical, Immoral, and Unpopular. Great work from Center for Global Development, finding ‘there will be a $232 million reduction in UK’s actual ODA’ due to ‘creative accounting’.

Loved this film of London in 1924, not least because of how much remains more or less unchanged

Talking of Covid, kudos to my Oxfam colleagues for landing a (very) big fish for interview – Gordon Brown came on our Equals podcast to talk about inequality and the pandemic

The power of evolution. This 2016 film of the evolving ability of bacteria to withstand antibiotics takes on a whole new (and scarier) meaning in current circs. 11 days…..

February 14, 2022
Duncan Green
