December 19, 2022
Superb. Most popular New Yorker cartoons of the year. Treat yourself for a few minutes. The best African films of 2022 – some of these look great. The art of influencing: how to maximize impact in a complex, interconnected world Wall Of Kindness in Stockholm – “take a coat if you need it or leave one if you have a

It’s Christmas time. Let’s talk about the world’s worst ever Christmas song (and the transatlantic cousin that is so much better).
December 15, 2022
Guest post from Jonathan Glennie, cofounder of Global Nation, a thinktank, and author of The Future of Aid: Global Public Investment As we approach Christmas our thoughts naturally turn to the coming of a saviour. No, not Jesus. Bob Geldof. I actually like Bob Geldof. At least he bothered. While many will see him as the epitome of arrogant world-saving

Edible Economics: A Christmas Cracker of a book
December 14, 2022
Ok, it’s a bit late, but if you’re stumped for a Christmas present for an intellectually curious friend or relative, I’ve got a top recommendation. Ha-Joon Chang’s latest book, Edible Economics, is a (Christmas) cracker. Full disclosure: Ha-Joon is an old and good friend. Since we first met in the late 1990s, when he was writing Kicking Away the Ladder,

Links I Liked
December 12, 2022
Harry Potter’s characters, if written by Dostoevsky ht Andrey Mir Calling all social change leaders! Start your journey now by applying to the fully-funded Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity programme at LSE Inequalities Institute. Applications by 5pm GMT on 12 January 2023. Unhinged and disturbing ad for roller skating, c/o Hayley Clarkin Believing the risks of mismanagement, corruption,

Development Nutshell: round-up (20m) of FP2P posts, w/b 28th November and 5th December
December 10, 2022
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The Clean Energy Transition needs to be Fast – but it must also be Fair
December 8, 2022
Dante Dalabajan and Ruth Mayne introduce a new Oxfam research report – produced by staff and partners from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, US and Europe. The paper investigates the implications of the clean energy transition for lower-income countries and communities and asks how the world can achieve a truly just, as well as fast, transition. As acknowledged at the recent

How can Behavioral Science help build Democracy, Human Rights, and Good Governance?
December 6, 2022
Guest post from Laura Adams, Director of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning at CSM-STAND, a USAID-funded global civil society and media program, led by Pact. When international development programs want people to get vaccinated, the behavior they are targeting is clear, even if the complex set of things that influence that behavior take time and effort to address. Social and

Africa’s newest oil pipeline. When Two Elephants fight, the people get trampled
November 30, 2022
My former student Christopher Liberty got in touch and asked to post this piece. Debates about the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) and the EU’s move to halt the project dominated headlines in the lead-up to COP 27. Most discussions have focused on the future macroeconomic and environmental effects of the project, in addition to the EU’s meddling in

Loss and Damage fund established at COP27: what happens next?
November 29, 2022
Saleemul Huq, one of the most persistent long-term advocates of a ‘loss and damage’ fund on climate change, explores the origins and potential of the breakthrough at the recent COP. For thirty years the vulnerable developing countries led by the small island states had been demanding under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) the creation of a fund

Development Nutshell: audio round-up (22m) of FP2P posts, w/b 14th and 21st November
November 27, 2022
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Austerity as Gender-Based Violence
November 26, 2022
To mark this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, Oxfam’s Dana Abed introduces its new report: The Assault of Austerity: How prevailing economic policy choices are a form of gender-based violence, (here’s the online summary with graphics).This post first appeared on Oxfam’s Views and Voices blog Feminist economists have warned for years that the global economic system is violent

Talking to Tory backbenchers about Aid
November 22, 2022
Spoke about the future of aid to an enquiry by Foreign Affairs Policy Committee of the Conservative Party 1922 Committee last week (apologies for too many committees in one sentence – that’s parliament for you). I was intrigued because I didn’t know the 1922 did this sort of thing – all you ever see of them on the news is