Development Nutshell: round-up (20m) of FP2P posts, w/b 13th December

December 18, 2021
and with that, I’m clocking off for Christmas – see you in 2022

9 Great lectures/panels for you to catch up on over Christmas (or any other time) – see you next year

December 16, 2021
We’ve had a cracking series of lectures and discussions on our Friday afternoon LSE ‘Cutting Edge Issues in Development Thinking and Practice’ series, so I thought I’d post some links to the youtube videos and podcasts for those who are looking for some escape from the family Christmas (or otherwise just need some good brainfood). Grouping a bit by subject

World Inequality Report 2022: a treasure trove of trends and new data

December 15, 2021
The World Inequality Report 2022 came out recently, and it’s a total gold mine, as you’d expect from a summary of the work of over 100 researchers over 4 years from every corner of the globe (OK, I know globes don’t have corners, but cut me some slack here – I’m clinging on til the Christmas break). Here are some

Engaging with evidence and uncertainty: choosing where to start

December 14, 2021
Guest post by Charlotte Maugham and Sandy Oliver There are two powerful trends playing out in the development and humanitarian world: the push to make better use of research evidence to produce viable policy options, and the localisation agenda. The two are sometimes treated as mutually exclusive – “I mistrust any decision made without reference to critically appraised evidence.” vs

Links I Liked

December 13, 2021
Calling all geography teachers. Two maps of Mercator v geographical reality ht Sony Kapoor and Richard Spoor. Update: According to Helen Bunting (see comments) the Russia v Africa comparison is one of those ‘killer facts’ that, ermm, isn’t. Apologies to the geography teachers. USAID chief Samantha Power details its new localization push. Some v interesting detail and nuance in here.

Development Nutshell: round-up (26m) of FP2P posts, w/b 6th December

December 11, 2021
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Research for Impact: A Conversation (and podcast) with Researchers in the Himalayas

December 9, 2021
Another day, another conversation on research for impact, this time with ICIMOD, a network of thinktanks working to protect people, environment and culture across 8 countries of the Himalayan region. They asked me to record the conversation, thereby producing an accidental podcast. Here’s a partial, tidied-up transcript for those who prefer the written word. I’ve focussed on things that add

Queer existence is resistance: Understanding the rising tide of COVID-related LGBTQIA+ discrimination as gender-based violence

December 8, 2021
Guest post from Harley Wishart What do LGBTQIA+ rights have to do with gender-based violence? Well, a lot actually. Think about it. Patriarchal culture exists on the basis of an assumed gender binary that reinforces a power dynamic. Man/Woman: Man>Woman. Relationships between men and women are socially defined in relation to each other, reinforcing the binary through compulsory heterosexuality. The

INGO Research for Impact: a Conversation with Save the Children

December 7, 2021
I had a lot of fun with Save the Children last week, whose advocacy team asked me to talk to them about ‘Research for Impact’. The fun started even before the talk – I idly tweeted the night before asking people what their ‘commonest moans’ were about NGO research. Obviously hit a nerve – 56 responses and counting. Tweeps. What

Links I Liked

December 6, 2021
Can’t help feeling like there’s already a name for this ht @bigdybbukenergy How Bangladesh is beating the odds on climate disaster deaths: excellent and hope-inducing case study in adaptation ‘The Triple Threat to Civil Society in India’ Catch up on Ingrid Srinath’s great lecture (with David Lewis discussing) as a blog, podcast or youtube video A Dillingham (Alaska) teenager turned

Development Nutshell: round-up (18m) of FP2P posts, w/b 29th November

December 4, 2021
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How Getting Organized has helped Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19 on People with Disabilities

December 2, 2021
Ahead of tomorrow’s International Day of People With Disabilities, Jessie Meaney-Davis summarizes new research on the impact of the pandemic. People with disabilities have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and not only because of the risks associated with underlying health conditions. The Disability Inclusion Helpdesk’s new report explains how the exclusion of Organisations of People with Disabilities (OPDs)