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December 6, 2021

     By Duncan Green     

Queen's Gambit board game

Can’t help feeling like there’s already a name for this ht @bigdybbukenergy

How Bangladesh is beating the odds on climate disaster deaths: excellent and hope-inducing case study in adaptation

‘The Triple Threat to Civil Society in India’ Catch up on Ingrid Srinath’s great lecture (with David Lewis discussing) as a blog, podcast or youtube video

A Dillingham (Alaska) teenager turned an ancient epic (Gilgamesh) poem into a (1 minute) rap. Backstory here. Move over executive summaries – we should all be demanding rap sums from now on. No, I’m not going first. Ht Ranil Dissayanake

Greek alphabet

What happened at Wunlit? Reliving South Sudan’s most successful peace conference. Fascinating account of the interaction between chiefs and political leaders in the process of peace-building ht Tobias Denskus

You don’t need to be a Greek scholar to work out why WHO would skip from Nu to Omicron when naming variants…. Ht Jim Pickard

It was St Andrew’s Day last Tuesday (look it up), so Scots Comedian Eleanor Morton decided to do Mary Queen of Scots, reading her hate mail

December 6, 2021
Duncan Green
