February 10, 2022
This blog was first published on the EADI/ISS Development Research Blog Series, written by Oxfam’s Nicole Walshe and Anne Mai Baan. In our work to strengthen and support civic space worldwide (i.e. the space for freedoms of association, assembly and free expression) we often see that certain narratives are used to undermine the work of activists. Narratives – the collection
Draft Guide to Publicly Available Influencing Toolkits – your comments/additions please!
February 9, 2022
One of the briefings I’ve been developing for our new influencing course (see yesterday’s intro) is a guide to help people navigate the plethora of toolkits on influencing. Here’s my list – with a request for comments and additions. My overall impression (although this may just reflect my Oxfam background) is that there are loads of online guides to ‘outsider’
Influencing for Senior Leaders: a new course on Analysis, Strategy, and Practice. Want to sign up?
February 8, 2022
For the past few months, I’ve been toiling away with a great team of thinkers/practitioners at LSE and beyond, developing a new training course on influencing (as close followers of my occasional tweeted requests for extra references may have noticed). Now it’s being launched, as part of the Global Executive Leadership Initiative, so I can go a bit more public.
Links I Liked
February 7, 2022
The Looting of Africa ht K. Diallo Human rights organising in Africa during a global pandemic. Write up of great lecture by my old friend Irungu Houghton with links to video and podcast. Also check out his book on Kenya: Dialogue and Dissent: A Constitution In Search Of A Country What all campaigners can learn from The Canary Craftivists. Nice
Development Nutshell: round-up (22m) of FP2P posts, w/b 31st January
February 5, 2022
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Is Social Media a New Frontier for Marginalised Communities to Challenge Old Power? The Flint Water Tragedy, and the Power of Place-Based Digital Activism
February 3, 2022
In the second of their four-part blog series (first published on Global Policy), which seeks to spark new ways of thinking about digitally-mediated activism, Nina Newhouse and Charlie Batchelor (two of my LSE students from last year’s cohort), use Timms and Heimans’ New/Old Power framework to ask how activists can use the internet to achieve new forms of power and
New and Old Power: A New Way to Understand and Cultivate Digitally-Mediated Activism, or Just Another Framework?
February 2, 2022
This is the first of a four-part blog series first published on Global Policy, which seeks to spark new ways of thinking about digitally-mediated activism. Written by two of my LSE students from last year’s cohort, Nina Newhouse and Charlie Batchelor, it uses Timms and Heimans’ New/Old Power framework to interrogate power: asking how activists can use the internet to
Thinking and working politically: What have we learned since 2013?
February 1, 2022
It’s always a red letter day when a new paper from Graham Teskey drops. His most recent is Thinking and working politically: What have we learned since 2013? For those that don’t know him, Graham is a consummate insider-outsider within the aid sector – long stints at DFID (UK), DFAT (Australia) and now Abt (Management Consultants). From this vantage point
Links I Liked
January 31, 2022
At what date will average UK persons’ 2022 emissions surpass annual emissions of other countries? Powerful number crunch/infographic on climate inequality from Euan Ritchie The Wordle craze is now spawning some (more) interesting mutuations (sorry, Covid language is hard to get away from these days). If you’re looking for a suitable timesuck, there’s an environmental version, c/o IIED, or try
Development Nutshell: round-up (20m) of FP2P posts, w/b 24th January
January 29, 2022
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The links between corruption and human rights – top new report from Transparency International
January 27, 2022
It appears to have turned into anti-corruption week on the blog (see Tuesday’s post on Heather Marquette’s work). Transparency International’s annual ‘Corruption Perceptions Index’ dropped the same day and makes an important link between corruption and human rights: ‘The 2021 CPI results show that countries with well-protected civil and political liberties generally control corruption better.’ Here’s the relevant section, which argues that
‘We the Helpers’. White Saviourism or a Smart Defence of Aid?
January 26, 2022
Got a very thought-provoking email from Romilly Greenhill at ONE Campaign over the weekend. She was drawing my attention to the Aid Alliance, a group of NGOs (including Oxfam) working together to build public support for UK aid. This week it launched something called ‘We the Helpers’. Some thoughts: First the message: Aid is helping. ‘From aid workers to donors