The Looting of Africa ht K. Diallo
Human rights organising in Africa during a global pandemic. Write up of great lecture by my old friend Irungu Houghton with links to video and podcast. Also check out his book on Kenya: Dialogue and Dissent: A Constitution In Search Of A Country
What all campaigners can learn from The Canary Craftivists. Nice reflection from Tom Baker on some lovely and different campaigning styles. I’m a big fan.
1st February = 1 year since the Myanmar coup, and the country is really suffering, but barely features in the news spotlight. Catch up here, and a mini graphic story of one of the many rebels here
Why I do not expect a civil war in America (and what does worry me). Political science long read from Chris Blattman (who seems to have gone into overdrive since his return to blogging)
Coups in Africa, 1950-2021 Source: J. Powell and C. Thyne, “Global Instances of Coups, 1950-present,” Nasty resurgence going on, it seems ht Paul Williams
Academic seminar, circa 1500 ht David Clingingsmith