May 1, 2020
Pablo Suarez discusses the role of humour in driving change, and introduces today’s Corona-cartoon Competition Why cartoons in the midst of a pandemic? Humor keeps us honest. It helps bridge the gap between what is and what could be. The argument is simple: by overlooking reality, people and organizations often fail to anticipate and address risks, and humor helps to
Corona Cartoon Competition – Vote Now!
May 1, 2020
It’s Friday and weeks in lockdown can be loooong. Time for some fun. We had a lot of it with last month’s Coronavision Song Contest (Bobi Wine just about won that one, thanks to all his Ugandan fans), so to accompany Pablo Suarez’ piece today on the use of humour, it’s time for …[drum roll]… the Corona-Cartoon Competition! Here’s a
Some humour to lighten the gloom
July 26, 2019
Don’t know about you, but watching the daily news isn’t much fun these days (nor is the weather/climate), and this week in particular, I am sorely in need of light relief. There was even a riot at my local swimming pool yesterday. So back to the abandoned series of ‘Friday funnies’: here’s a few previous FP2P posts that might just