Don’t know about you, but watching the daily news isn’t much fun these days (nor is the weather/climate), and this week in particular, I am sorely in need of light relief. There was even a riot at my local swimming pool yesterday.
So back to the abandoned series of ‘Friday funnies’: here’s a few previous FP2P posts that might just qualify. Coincidentally, they are the ones that the people I talk to often remember best. Hope they are acceptable – I once received a complaint because the refugees on the cover of a newsletter I had just edited were laughing, ‘so they can’t possibly be refugees’. Sigh.
Here you go:
The Monty Python guide to aid and development, including this unforgettable discussion between King Arthur and a peasant anarchist on the nature of good governance and accountability
What happens when an NGO edits the Ten Commandments? (that one got me into serious trouble with my boss at the time….)
Are dogs the real population problem on climate change?
And of course that old favourite: What Brits say v What they mean
And here’s Pablo Suarez with a 16m TedX meditation on the use of humour in discussing difficult issues like humanitarian emergencies and climate change
Any others I’ve forgotten or other links I should include?