Featured image for “Development Nutshell: round-up (16m) of FP2P posts, w/b 9th August”

Development Nutshell: round-up (16m) of FP2P posts, w/b 9th August

August 14, 2021
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Featured image for “Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment: 5 Takeaways from Researchers and Practitioners”

Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment: 5 Takeaways from Researchers and Practitioners

August 12, 2021
Got a gap on the blog today, so thought I’d repost this excellent piece from CGD, by Mayra Buvinic and Megan O’Donnell The rhetoric around women’s economic empowerment (WEE) in global development is finally being translated into action. Development organizations are using this objective to guide operations and exploring ways to measure impact by integrating WEE indicators into project results frameworks. But
Featured image for “Weathering the storm: Defending Institutions in Post-Coup Myanmar”

Weathering the storm: Defending Institutions in Post-Coup Myanmar

August 11, 2021
Guest post by Will Paxton, International Director at Kivu  The 1st of September marks seven months since Myanmar’s military coup.  In that time over 700 Myanmar people have been killed in brutal military crackdowns, the economy has been ravaged, and conflict has rumbled on.  Uncertainty defines Myanmar’s future. The military government appears to have consolidated power, but economic, political, Covid,
Featured image for “7 Cartoons that could just help the IPCC Save the Planet”

7 Cartoons that could just help the IPCC Save the Planet

August 10, 2021
More than 200 scientists from 66 countries have worked together to assess knowledge on just the physical science basis of climate change. Their answers were released yesterday in the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I. The IPCC’s findings are clear, rigorous, and very concerning, but they are couched in formal, technical
Featured image for “Links I Liked”

Links I Liked

August 9, 2021
Welcome to The Future. Seems about right. UK aid: Survival of the Fittest or Cutting at Random? Ranil Dissayanake and Euan Ritchie crunch the numbers and find ‘they quickly ran out of underperformers to cut and were forced to slash high-performing programmes too.’ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: ‘Theory is a kind of idolatry’. Summary of what sounds like a great lecture
Featured image for “Development Nutshell: Audio round-up (15m) of FP2P posts, w/b 2nd August”

Development Nutshell: Audio round-up (15m) of FP2P posts, w/b 2nd August

August 7, 2021
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Featured image for “In praise of…. Logframes”

In praise of…. Logframes

August 5, 2021
Guest post from Graham Teskey My friend and colleague Lavinia Tyrell recently posted a note on LinkedIn, highlighting a recent WB Independent Evaluation Group report, which reflected on various methods of monitoring and evaluation currently used in development. In so doing, Lavinia referenced this diagram: As a fan of diagrams, as well as a long-time user of both the London
Featured image for “How Filipinos have responded to Covid – some great new research on ‘Emergent Agency’”

How Filipinos have responded to Covid – some great new research on ‘Emergent Agency’

August 4, 2021
As part of writing a paper with the overall findings from our ‘Emergent Agency in a Time of Covid’ project, I’ve been catching up with some fascinating recent work from the Philippines, where Oxfam and the Philippine Sociological Society are publishing a fascinating series of case studies of civic responses to Covid. They include the Community Pantry Movement, supporting cycling
Featured image for “Inequality is the most powerful explanation for different Covid death rates – a summary of the evidence from The Economist”

Inequality is the most powerful explanation for different Covid death rates – a summary of the evidence from The Economist

August 3, 2021
Powerful piece in this week’s Economist. I’ve added links to the various pieces of research it cites ‘Seventeen months into the COVID-19 pandemic, plenty of questions about the catastrophe remain unanswered. It is still unclear how SARS-COV-2 originated, for instance. Another puzzle is why some areas have had less destructive epidemics than others. Why has Florida had fewer deaths per person from
Featured image for “Links I Liked”

Links I Liked

August 2, 2021
The RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute) recorded a 2,000% increase in donations in a single day amid a surge in support over rescues of migrant boats. Criticism by Nigel Farage and others sparked an unprecedented flood of donations, including over £200,000 yesterday alone. Will Farage now offer to slag off other charities, for a suitable fee/% of the surge? He
Featured image for “Development Nutshell: audio round-up (16m) of FP2P posts, w/b 26th July”

Development Nutshell: audio round-up (16m) of FP2P posts, w/b 26th July

July 31, 2021
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Featured image for “How does Innovation happen in Systems?”

How does Innovation happen in Systems?

July 29, 2021
I approached Building Better Systems: A Green Paper on System Innovation, by Charles Leadbeater and Jennie Winhall, with a fair degree of initial scepticism – these kinds of papers tend to involve a lot of hand waving, and not many specifics. But I warmed to it as I read. First, some nice crunchy case studies on things like young adults