Featured image for “What can we learn from 200 case studies of ’emergent agency in a time of Covid’?”

What can we learn from 200 case studies of ’emergent agency in a time of Covid’?

March 17, 2021
The ‘Emergent Agency in a Time of Covid-19‘ research project is churning out some interesting findings and a flurry of webinars. Here Niranjan Nampoothiri and Filippo Artuso give some headline findings on the 200 case studies Niranjan has analysed and coded. We aim to publish the database later this year. Niranjan will present his findings on 6th April, 12.30 UTC
Featured image for “Water Defenders v Big Gold – a real life David and Goliath story with a happy ending”

Water Defenders v Big Gold – a real life David and Goliath story with a happy ending

March 16, 2021
Guest blog by Robin Broad and John Cavanagh, co-authors of The Water Defenders: How Ordinary People Saved a Country from Corporate Greed, which is published next week The debate over development, so vibrant in the 1960s and 1970s, is being reinvigorated around the world with the rise of self-proclaimed “water defenders.”  And, while largely off many people’s radar, that debate
Featured image for “Africa’s Land Rush – what do we really know?”

Africa’s Land Rush – what do we really know?

March 15, 2021
Guest post by Wytske Chamberlain and Wegayehu Fitawek of Land Matrix Africa, hosted by the University of Pretoria  Remember the global riots over food set off by sharp spikes in commodity prices in 2008? The biofuel hype as THE solution to dirty oil? And the financial crisis that drove investors to look for alternative assets to invest their dollars, euros
Featured image for “Development Nutshell: audio round-up (13m) of FP2P posts, w/b 8th March”

Development Nutshell: audio round-up (13m) of FP2P posts, w/b 8th March

March 13, 2021
No excerpt
Featured image for “A historic legal victory for climate justice in France”

A historic legal victory for climate justice in France

March 11, 2021
Legal activism can be slow and expensive, but boy can it be effective, especially when combined with mass campaigning. Kudos (chapeau?) to four French NGOs for winning this court ruling that could force their government to get serious on the climate crisis. This post by Armelle le Comte first appeared on Oxfam’s Views and Voices blog On February 3rd 2021 in
Featured image for “How a ‘public authority’ lens can help us understand NGOs and INGOs”

How a ‘public authority’ lens can help us understand NGOs and INGOs

March 10, 2021
This post by my LSE colleague Tom Kirk is part of a series exploring ‘public authority’ based on research at LSE’s Centre for Public Authority and International Development at the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa. It was first published on the Africa at LSE blog A ‘public authorities’ lens seeks to understand the full range of actors claiming power and governing people in the
Featured image for “Back to the Old Drawing Board: the power of humour in social change”

Back to the Old Drawing Board: the power of humour in social change

March 9, 2021
Last year’s corona cartoon competition and accompanying post by Pablo Suarez got a lot of people clicking and thinking about the role of humour in communicating about social change. Here Pablo’s collaborator and ace New Yorker cartoonist Pat Byrnes reflects on the 80th anniversary of a historic cartoon and what it tells us about social change. Eighty years ago this month,
Featured image for “Links I Liked”

Links I Liked

March 8, 2021
Happy International Women’s Day. From burden to benefit: Reframing the conversation on care. Smart piece by Amber Parkes on the power of language in advocacy. And beautifully written (just started using the intro in my blog training slides). V excited to see a Portuguese translation of How Change Happens, free to download.Here’s the video of the launch last week, if
Featured image for “Development Nutshell: audio round-up (15m) of FP2P posts, w/b 1st March”

Development Nutshell: audio round-up (15m) of FP2P posts, w/b 1st March

March 6, 2021
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Featured image for “‘Do-it-yourself development’: the world of citizen aid and what to do about it”

‘Do-it-yourself development’: the world of citizen aid and what to do about it

March 4, 2021
Guest post by Seb Rumsby As our world becomes increasingly globalised, there are now more and more chances for people from vastly unequal economic situations to meet and connect – be it through tourism, migration or social media. At the same time, we are witnessing a widespread disillusionment with so-called ‘experts’ and technocrats in the realms of politics and international
Featured image for “Top Tips for giving presentations in a second language”

Top Tips for giving presentations in a second language

March 3, 2021
Generally, I seem to lead a bit of a charmed life on twitter. I know it’s supposed to be full of angry trolls, but my experience is much friendlier than that. I often tweet questions or appeals for advice, and sometimes people really come through. My latest exercise in canvassing the wisdom of crowds was asking for their top tips
Featured image for “Who loses out from Open Access journals? Plus the weirdness of the Magisterium”

Who loses out from Open Access journals? Plus the weirdness of the Magisterium

March 2, 2021
Maria Faciolince and I have a paper out in a Development and Change special collection on Open Access in academic publishing (full disclosure: Maria did most of the work). One of the concerns about how OA is playing out is that many journals have responded by introducing ‘author processing charges’ (averaging around £2,000 per article). Instead of readers paying to