March 1, 2021
Guest post by Aysha Shamsuddin We live in times where solidarity has emerged as more critical than anything else. Not even a day goes by without coming across some extraordinary stories of solidarity and leadership. I would like to discuss one such story of a women’s solidarity network- Kudumbashree from Kerala, a small state in southern India. Kudumbashree means ‘prosperity
Development Nutshell: audio round-up (15m) of FP2P posts, w/b 22nd February
February 27, 2021
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When throwing evidence and facts is not enough. How Change Happens in the Humanitarian System
February 25, 2021
Here’s a sentence you don’t often hear. I just read a really interesting conference report. Transforming Change: How Change Really Happens and What we can do about it, by Paul Knox Clarke, summarizes a big 2017 discussion on the drivers of change in the humanitarian system, as well as the blockers. I reported on it at the time, but went
Watching the ICC Judgement of LRA commander Dominic Ongwen with Ugandan victims of enforced marriage
February 24, 2021
This piece by Jackline Atingo is an edited version of a post first published on the Africa at LSE blog The conviction of Lord’s Resistance Army commander Dominic Ongwen at the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity has been met with mixed reactions in northern Uganda, where many survivors live today. Jackline Atingo watched the Judgement
How can a Book Change the World? The theory of action behind Kate Raworth and the Doughnut Economics Action Lab
February 23, 2021
We’re ending the LSE’s ‘Cutting Edge Issues’ lecture series with some real gems. Most recently, it was Kate Raworth, originator of the doughnut, presenting her work in trying to turn a book into global action via the Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL). Do watch her talk (not least if you want lessons from a truly great presenter, with a dazzling
Links I Liked
February 22, 2021
Vaccines hogging the headlines this week: Huge variations in vaccine hesitancy btw countries and over time. Twitter responses to my request for explanations highlighted legacy of previous public health campaigns / controversies; a function of deference to authority intersected with examples of historical abuse of science by governments; spread of the internet and false information (does more internet → more
Development Nutshell: audio round-up (20m) of FP2P posts, w/b 15th February
February 20, 2021
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What kinds of ‘Agency’ are emerging as grassroots organizations respond to Covid?
February 18, 2021
Six months in, the ‘Emerging Agency in a time of Covid’ project is coming along nicely, and starting to generate some interesting insights. We recently spent 90 minutes on a call with the ‘cluster convenors’ – people who have offered to host discussions with groups of people around the world on particular issues (faith organizations, social movements, women’s rights, peace-building
How to change policy and practice at city level? A discussion with some influencers.
February 17, 2021
Spent an enjoyable couple of hours last week chatting to some students doing the LSE MSc in Cities course about their group projects. These were aimed at designing initiatives to promote different aspects of sustainability and emissions reductions in major cities: Montreal (building regulations); Bogotá (transport); Freetown (natural habitat) and Amsterdam (consumption). We covered some standard ground that I talk
After Covid, what next for the world’s kids?
February 16, 2021
Guest post by UNICEF’s Laurence Chandy One salvation of the COVID-19 pandemic is that children have been largely spared from severe infections. Yet the broader effects of the crisis on the young have already caused untold harm and are now poised to reset the forces that have driven progress for the world’s children since the start of this century. Children,
Links I Liked
February 15, 2021
‘Science Fictions’. The comic strip guide to academic success. Brilliant. Ht Ranil Dissanayake Aftershocks: How is Covid Affecting Africa? New weekly newsletter from the ONE Campaign. Sign up here Three Key Shifts on Development Cooperation in China’s 2021 White Paper. Excellent overview of China’s evolving aid policy Toolkits are Great. Welcome back Stuff Expat Aid Workers Like. We’ve missed you.
Development Nutshell: round-up (12m) of FP2P posts, w/b 8th February
February 13, 2021
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