What did trade campaigns achieve? Plus reinventing Robert Chambers & changing aid narratives: some Berlin conversations

March 24, 2016
Had a really interesting couple of days in Berlin last week, at the invitation of the German government aid agency, GIZ. Also spent time with the impressive policy and campaigns wonks at Oxfam Germany. Here’s a few of the topics that came up. What did all that trade campaigning achieve? From the late 90s to 2005, when I was working

Payment by Results hasn’t produced much in the way of results, but aid donors are doing it anyway. Why?

March 23, 2016
I recently attended (yet another) seminar on the future of aid, where we were all sworn to secrecy to allow everyone (academics, officials etc) to bare their bosoms with confidence. So I can’t quote anyone (even unattributed – this was ‘Chatham House plus’). But that’s OK, because I want to talk about Payment by Results, which was the subject for

If you think knowledge is expensive, try ignorance. Smart new job in Oxfam’s research team

March 22, 2016
Oxfam’s new head or research Irene Guijt debuts on FP2P to urge you to come and work with her. ‘How Change Happens’ is a pretty popular topic of late on this blog, in case you hadn’t noticed. And not without reason.  In a sector that invests $140 billion per year to reduce poverty and injustices, it is not just useful 

Links I Liked

March 21, 2016
Europe according to Vladimir Putin [h/t Amazing Maps] The top 10 sources of data for international development research. Handy users guide The Bridge to Sodom and Gomorrah. Wonderful long read on life and struggle in an Accra slum [h/t Alex Evans] How to deal with protestors. There’s President Obama, and then (sigh) there’s Donald Trump Why do so many World

It’s international happiness day today, and there are some baffling national winners and losers

March 20, 2016
It’s international happiness day today, so what better way to ruin my Sunday morning than blogging about it? The World Happiness Report has a short update to mark the day. Happiness may sound a slightly woolly concept, but actually the report is based on rigorous assessments by Gallup of life satisfaction indicators (see here for more). Some highlights: Denmark wins

Does “Rational Ignorance” make working on transparency and accountability a waste of time?

March 18, 2016
Guest post from Paul O’Brien, Vice President for Policy and Campaigns, Oxfam America (gosh, they do have august sounding job titles, don’t they?) As the poorest half of the planet sees that just 62 people have more wealth than all of them, collective frustration at extreme inequality is increasing.  To rebalance power and wealth, many in our community are turning

Industrial Policy meets Doing Development Differently: an evening at SOAS

March 17, 2016
It’s always interesting when a neglected issue suddenly resurfaces in multiple locations. That’s been happening with industrial policy – in particular the role of governments in developing their manufacturing industries. ActionAid has a new report out, arguing that promoting manufacturing through industrial policy is essential if countries want to generate decent work and tackling inequality. Then I went to a

Which of these three books on complexity and development is right for you? Review/user’s guide

March 16, 2016
Dave Algoso (@dalgoso ) with a handy guide to what to read for those wondering what all this complexity stuff is about In the last few years, complexity thinking has found its way into general development discourse. Anyone reading this blog or others has likely encountered some of the terminology, even if the technical pieces remain elusive to you. Ready to

Why everyone should have an RSS feed for daily news (and should help me replace the one I just deleted by accident)

March 15, 2016
Well that’ll teach me. I was just trying to write a post about my RSS feed and I’ve managed to delete the lot. No idea how. Can you help me reassemble/improve on my daily reading list? The background: chatting to colleagues at Oxfam, I’m always surprised how few of them use RSS software (which apparently stands for ‘Real Simple Syndication’)

Links I Liked

March 14, 2016
Bureaucratics – great photo series of officials behind desks around the world. [h/t Chris Blattman] Some wise advice from DFID reformer Pete Vowles for anyone pursuing change in large organizations A top job in the Oxfam GB research team: Senior Researcher on Influencing and its Effectiveness (4 April deadline) World Bank sets up nudge unit – the Global Insights Initiative (Gini).

Why we need to rethink how we measure inequality – please welcome the Absolute Palma index

March 11, 2016
Oxfam’s Nick Galasso (left) and ODI’s Chris Hoy (right), author of a new paper on the topic, argue for a rethink on inequality metrics The world is abuzz about inequality Pope Francis famously tweeted that inequality is the root of evil. As we witnessed in Davos in January, the media can’t get enough of Oxfam’s statistic that the richest 85, 80, 62

Book Review: What can Activists learn from the AIDS Drugs Movement?

March 10, 2016
Still catching up with reviews from my holiday reading – Alex de Waal’s new book (already reviewed) and AIDS Drugs for All, which came highly recommended. (I also read and enjoyed Marlon James and Elena Ferrante – I’m not completely sad/obsessive, honest.) AIDS Drugs for All is a forensic account of ‘a heroic effort on the part of social activists,