Why everyone should have an RSS feed for daily news (and should help me replace the one I just deleted by accident)

March 15, 2016

     By Duncan Green     

Well that’ll teach me. I was just trying to write a post about my RSS feed and I’ve managed to delete the lot. No idea

Gone to that digital graveyard in the cloud.....

Gone to that digital graveyard in the cloud…..

how. Can you help me reassemble/improve on my daily reading list?

The background: chatting to colleagues at Oxfam, I’m always surprised how few of them use RSS software (which apparently stands for ‘Real Simple Syndication’) to keep abreast of their fields. I use Feedly to create a personal online newspaper – every morning after checking the inbox, I trawl through about 60 headlines covering anything published in the previous 24 hours by my favourite gurus or websites. I probably click on about 10 of them, and then, if they’re any good, tweet the links. Then I move on to my twitter feed. Takes about an hour over coffee while my brain is struggling to wake up and means I start the day with a sense of what’s new in the world outside – I’d hate to start the day by diving straight into internal Oxfam stuff.

When I looked at the subscriptions list for the first time, I was surprised to find 74 (and that’s after deleting half a dozen that had stopped publishing). Then I deleted them all. Really annoying.

So here’s what I’ve reconstructed from memory and the screengrab I did before disaster struck – can you help with suggestions please? Only upside, you can’t be offended if your site isn’t here – I may just not have restored it yet!

And Aishah, this is all your fault…….

[Update: Ben Grossman-Cohen just sent me a screen grab of his RSS feed. Very helpful. Should have thought of that before…..}





RSS logoDevelopment Stuff:

Brookings Future Development

Center for Global Development

China in Africa

Chris Blattman


Guardian Global Development


IDS Opinion

LSE International Development

OECD Insights

Overseas Development Institute

Owen Barder

Oxfam Policy and Practice

Oxfam: The Politics of Poverty

Pete Vowles

World Bank Impact Evaluation

World Bank Let’s Talk Development

World Bank People, Deliberation, Spaces



Dani Rodrik

Martin Wolf

Paul Krugman


General Interest

Economist Daily Chart

Global Voices

LSE Impact of Social Sciences

Open Democracy

Project Syndicate

Snippets of Random


So what am I missing? Is this how you use your RSS feed, or am I missing something?




March 15, 2016
Duncan Green
