Well that’ll teach me. I was just trying to write a post about my RSS feed and I’ve managed to delete the lot. No idea
how. Can you help me reassemble/improve on my daily reading list?
The background: chatting to colleagues at Oxfam, I’m always surprised how few of them use RSS software (which apparently stands for ‘Real Simple Syndication’) to keep abreast of their fields. I use Feedly to create a personal online newspaper – every morning after checking the inbox, I trawl through about 60 headlines covering anything published in the previous 24 hours by my favourite gurus or websites. I probably click on about 10 of them, and then, if they’re any good, tweet the links. Then I move on to my twitter feed. Takes about an hour over coffee while my brain is struggling to wake up and means I start the day with a sense of what’s new in the world outside – I’d hate to start the day by diving straight into internal Oxfam stuff.
When I looked at the subscriptions list for the first time, I was surprised to find 74 (and that’s after deleting half a dozen that had stopped publishing). Then I deleted them all. Really annoying.
So here’s what I’ve reconstructed from memory and the screengrab I did before disaster struck – can you help with suggestions please? Only upside, you can’t be offended if your site isn’t here – I may just not have restored it yet!
And Aishah, this is all your fault…….
[Update: Ben Grossman-Cohen just sent me a screen grab of his RSS feed. Very helpful. Should have thought of that before…..}
Overseas Development Institute
Oxfam: The Politics of Poverty
World Bank Let’s Talk Development
World Bank People, Deliberation, Spaces
General Interest
So what am I missing? Is this how you use your RSS feed, or am I missing something?