Where’s United Kingston? And other Links I Liked

July 29, 2019

     By Duncan Green     

Did anyone notice the UK got a new Prime Minister last week? What’s Boris Johnson saying on aid and development, eg will he bring an end to DfID? And Ivanka Trump nails that warm, special relationship feeling.

Congratulations tweet from Ivanka Trump

The LSE’s International Inequalities Institute is on a roll. First up bringing in Branko Milanovic as Centennial Professor (here he is on Russian oligarchs), and then persuading Chico Ferreira to be Director of the Institute. Really looking forward to next term

10 thoughts from an Extinction Rebellion newbie. Alex Evans signed up for the recent Leeds ER actions and it got him thinking.

Is journal Open Access excluding southern scholars (because authors now need to pay to be published)? Interesting call for papers from Development and Change Journal. We’ll be coming back to this one.

Bypassing a maze

Props to the teacher for giving this kid a star (ht Lekha Chakraborty)

‘Those academics who predominantly write on holiday or on sabbatical are more stressed and more anxious than those who use any other technique. They also tend to get far less written and published overall – and by a pretty large margin.’

‘As Muslim legislators we are constantly being asked to waste our time speaking to issues that other people are not asked to speak to.’ — Watch Ilhan Omar despatch a biased, ‘appalling’ question with grace and logic

July 29, 2019
Duncan Green
