Another (final) round up of the posts you missed over the summer, if you were relying on your daily FP2P email to jog you into clicking through, or were just lounging in the sun. Here’s the main posts that went up from July until we fixed the email notifications a week or so ago
Posts on new approaches to aid, reflecting my research at both Oxfam and LSE. These included what peace and conflict mediation can teach the Thinking and Working Politically crew; More of my thoughts on Adaptive Management and Exfamer Chris Roche gets nerdy on its link to MEL.
A lot of the aid rethink is coming from work in fragile states: check out an interview with DFID governance guru Wilf Mwamba on aid’s blind spot on non-state actors like tribes, armed groups and faith leaders; my piece on aid and FCAS for a new OECD report and me slagging off reviewing the recent report of the LSE-hosted Commission on Fragility, Growth and Development.
Other stuff from the humanitarian side: Ajoy Datta on lessons from the Nepal earthquake while Ed Cairns gets all reflective on what restrains extreme violence – culture or the law?
Couple of book reviews: Matthew Spencer on Factfulness, by the Roslings; me on Navigation by Judgment, by Dan Honig.
Lots of campaign fodder: The latest list of the world’s top 100 revenue collectors shows that 29 are states; 71 are TNCs; Contrasting approaches to tax campaigning in Oxfam (Vietnam) and ActionAid (Nigeria); Campaign proposals on health (Singapore), human rights (Philippines) and plastic bags (Austria) from 3 of my amazing LSE students; Tim Gore on the evolving theory of change behind Behind the Bar Code
Some regional commentary: Vanita Suneja on the water crisis in South Asia; Simon Ticehurst on why everything is going pear shaped in Latin America
And some random other stuff:
The International Budget Partnership on going to scale in South Africa
Some surprising research finds that public support for UK development NGOs is actually growing
Communicating research about sustainability
Erinch Sahan reflects on his first 100 days as boss of the World Fair Trade Organization
‘What did I learn from 2 days of intense discussions on empowerment and accountability in messy places?’
Lukas Schlogl and Andy Sumner present a new paper on development impact of the rise of the robots
Alan Whaites on why aid workers should be more aware of the potential in internal battles within host country governments
Finally, my new paper on whacky ideas for Oxfam’s future (final paper here –Fit-for-the-Future-2-July-2018).
Happy up-catching
Oh, and this is still my favourite Brexit spoof – can anyone beat it?