I’m off to Australia and New Zealand this weekend, to teach a 3 day session on ‘how change happens’ with the wonderful Chris Roche at Perth’s Murdoch University (I’m assured it’s nothing to do with Rupert). That will be followed by a powerpoint-tastic speaking tour through Melbourne, Canberra, Wellington and Auckland. Current list of public events and contacts below (c/o the wonderful Helen Moreno), and we (by which I mean Helen) will keep it updated on the website (or via twitter – @fp2p or Facebook) as new details come in. In addition to these public events, I’ll be meeting staff at Oxfam, Ausaid and elsewhere.
Perth, Australia
2 September – ‘What’s Hot and What’s Not in International Development’ Seminar, Open to the public.
Venue: Room LL1.004, Learning Link, School of Management and Governance Building 512, Murdoch University
Time: 12.00-1.00pm
To book a place contact Linda Rossi, L.Rossi[at]murdoch.edu.au by Thursday 29 August
6 September – Oxfam Western Australia public meeting
Venue: Room 3.22 – 3.23, Level 3, 140 William Street, Perth
Time: 5.00-6.30pm
Melbourne, Australia
10 September – DETalks (Development Effectiveness Talks) What’s Hot & What’s Not: How is Thinking in International Development Changing?
Venue: Theatre 108, The University of Melbourne Law School, Carlton
Time: 1.15-2.15pm
10 September – Active Citizenship and development talk and book launch
Venue: Village Roadshow Theatrette, State Library of Victoria, 179 La Trobe Street, Melbourne
Time: 5.30–7.30pm
Canberra, Australia
12 September – How do we plan, campaign and work in development? The reality of doing development in complex systems
Venue: Molonglo Theatre, Level 2, JG Crawford Building 132, Lennox Crossing, ANU
Time: 6.00-7.00pm
Tickets or contact Macarena Rojas, macarena.rojas@anu.edu.au
Wellington, New Zealand
16 September – Insights on Models of Change: a global and Pacific perspective
The seminar will be presented by Duncan Green and Barry Coates, Executive Director of Oxfam New Zealand.
Hosted by: Institute of Governance and Policy Studies (IGPS) and Oxfam New Zealand
Venue: Government Building, Lecture Theatre 1, Institute of Governance and Policy Studies (IGPS), Victoria University of Wellington, GB LT1, Stout St, Thorndon
Time: 5:45-7:15pm
Auckland, New Zealand
18 September – Insights on Models of Change: a global and Pacific perspective
The seminar will be presented by Duncan Green and Barry Coates, Executive Director of Oxfam New Zealand.
Venue: Auckland University, Engineering Lecture Theatre 403-403, 20 Symonds Street, City Campus
Time: 6.00-7.30pm
And no I won’t be mentioning the cricket. Or the rugby. Doh!