CAD: Corona Attention Deficit. Is it a thing? Certainly feels like it – my aim this week is to stop endlessly browsing social media and take advantage of lockdown to get stuck into some serious reading. In the meantime, here are some of the fruits of my twitchy social media-hopping……
Coronaviral: the best memes, tweets and cartoons to get you through – open thread
Travel restrictions have neither stopped the spread of this novel coronavirus nor prevented it from becoming a pandemic. Check out the excellent Think Global Health site
House Party too stressful? St Petersburg firm creates the ‘Stay the Fuck Home Bar’ – online drinking company for self-isolating Russians (and anyone else who wants to join).
Not everyone is partying though. There’s been a fantastic mutual aid response in the UK (younger people checking in on their older neighbours and offering to do the shopping). Check out the mutual aid website for an uplifting example of citizenship and solidarity.
Planning for the World After the Coronavirus Pandemic. Brilliant strategic thinking from Alex Evans and David Steven
Robert Kelly is rapidly becoming the patron saint of everyone who is in lockdown with kids, and still trying to work
Is this a sore throat?
Is this just allergies?
Caught in a lockdown
No escape from reality.
‘Sends shivers down my spine; body’s aching all the time’ Great riff on Bohemian Rhapsody, with lyrics wonderfully updated by Dana Jay Bein ht Michelle Mularkey
Stay safe everyone