Links I Liked

April 11, 2016

     By Duncan Green     

Refuge, 2016 version [h/t Laurie Adams]refuge

Tax wonk Alex Cobham recommends this as his one thing to read on tax havens

We have a sexist data crisis. Ruth Levine and Mayra Buvinic on need to improve data on women and girls

HMRC v DWPMay have to start a new roundup of ‘infographics I enjoyed’, like this from Global Justice Now, on double standards in policing benefit fraud v tax evasion

Oh good, another financial diaries research piece, this time on rural families – wish this methodology was used more (and not just on finance) [h/t Gawain Kripke]

How to persuade London tube travellers to stand on the left hand sideHow-much-does-your-water-cost of the escalator, not walk up it? Nice study in trying to change social norms.

Water Aid’s ‘State of World’s Water 2016’  is a model of brevity & comms punch. Read & learn.

Researchers & donors struggle to turn research into action. Answer is networks, not prize-winners says IDS’ James Georgalakis

Spent most of the week wracked by man flu, so I was delighted to see that this debilitating condition now has its own dedicated website, as well as this classic video explainer (for women of course; we guys already get it)

April 11, 2016
Duncan Green
