Spending the next two weeks in Australia (Melbourne and Canberra) and Vanuatu consulting on the book draft and
scavenging some last minute new material. Speaking in Melbourne at launch of Politics of Results book on Tuesday. Details here. Otherwise it’s all non-public events at ANU, DFAT etc. Also means I’m glad to see this Economist graph on how much safer air travel has become.
Back to last week’s links:
Why South African students have turned against their parents’ generation. Fascinating Guardian ‘long read’ by Eve Fairbanks
In Bangladesh, a half-century of saving lives with data. New angle on a massive health success story
Changing times. New African Centre for Obesity Prevention, launched in Johannesburg. South Africa is the worst affected (26.8% of population are obese)
The only thing Americans like less than Syrian refugees in 2016? Jewish refugees in 1939
How is Development Economics Taught in Developing Countries? More diverse, more case studies, less maths than in the North. Authors seem to think that is a bad thing. Sigh……
Magisterial and upbeat overview by planetary boundaries guru Johan Rockström of the state of the Anthropocene ahead of the Paris climate talks
A Western-educated leader is four times more likely to preside over a democratic transition. Cue discussion on direction of causation
There are at least six completely different meanings of ‘interesting’ in British English (cf Eskimos and snow)
Against the odds: Lovely photos of newborns & new mothers in Malawi, by Jenny Lewis for WaterAid