Links I Liked

November 16, 2015

     By Duncan Green     

Heavy on the video content this week – if you’re in the office, better get your earphones on

Consent, sex and tea: quintessentially British and rather effective [h/t Richard Cunliffe]

Last chance to vote in the Rusty Radiator awards for 2015’s worst aid charity video. Amazingly, they found one that’s even worse than Band Aid. As for the Golden Radiator awards (for best video), very hard to choose between 3 excellent candidates, but I voted for this one (cos it made me laugh).

Nerd heaven: 175 new development economics papers summarized, tagged and categorized by theme, from the World Bank’s amazing David Evans

Principles for digital developmentGeeky but useful. Adapting the principles for digital development for knowledge management.

This World War II guide to saboteurs on undermining organizations from within probably describes your office meetings all too well. [h/t Chris Blattman]…

Proof is piling up that private sector finance is not an easy development fix, so why are donors, including the UK government, still so keen?

Attitudes to aid in donor and recipient countries – some surprises here

hmmm. Couldn’t pin down why this BOND (UK NGO coalition) spoof on poverty porn didn’t work, but I wasn’t alone: Alanna Shaikh ‘I want to like it but I just don’t.’

Best of the lot. Bye Bye #Ebola. Sierra Leonean rapper, Block Jones, with a wonderful celebratory 3m video on the nightmare’s end. Beautiful.

November 16, 2015
Duncan Green
