All male panels, the India version. Some good advice to organizers here on handling language, questions, roles etc
What’s the origin of the ICC’s Africa problem (since 2002, all 36 warrants have been for Africans)?
‘All you need is a big heart and access to the internet’. Great takedown of the DWSC (digital white saviour complex)
Faces of the Somali Remittance Crisis [h/t Michael Clemens]
Last year, the world spent $14.3tn (13.4% of global GDP) on costs related to violence. New report from Global Peace Index.
William Hague’s summit against warzone rape seen as ‘costly failure’, costing five times more than the UK government spent on actually tackling rape in war zones
Is the human rights movement ‘all about “bourgeoisie talk.”? Tunisian activist Amira Yahyaoui makes case for a more grassroots human rights movement
What happens when communities in New York organize? The who/when/how of dozens of wins [h/t Rakesh Rajani]
Unmissable. The escalating and hilarious video war between dodgy ex-FIFA boss Jack Warner and ‘comedian fool’ John Oliver