Wow, more new US immigrants now come from China & India than from Mexico. (Less push, less pull, higher walls, apparently)
Brilliant from Amartya Sen: The economic consequences of austerity. Updating Keynes on the UK election & irrational/ahistorical fear of debt
Exemplary synthesizing from David Evans. 50 papers from a recent World Bank conference on Africa and conflict, grouped by theme and summarized with links. In one post.
Extractives revenues as a % of government revenue. Anyone want to compare these to governance indicators?
Alex Evans contrasts the aid and development movement (lost the plot since Make Poverty History) with the climate movement (now found its mojo). Don’t agree with him, but interesting
To understand the human drama of Europe’s migration crisis, read Patrick Kingsley’s brilliant account of one Syrian man’s extraordinary 3 year journey to Sweden
When opening your inbox, do you ever feel like this rabbit jumping across an avalanche? [h/t Geoff Mulgan] [youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”][/youtube]