Grammar pedants rally behind the Oxford comma, [h/t Alexander Macleod]
‘International analysts predict the seeds of a so-called “American Spring,” fomented by technology’. How press would cover Baltimore if it was in a foreign country. [h/t Ian Birrell]
Smart Owen Barder essay on the future of aid
Planetary Boundaries and Human Prosperity. Kate Raworth teams up with Johan Rockstrom
This is how fast the US changes its mind (aka they say no until they say yes). [h/t Chris Blattman]
God and global warming: the Vatican urges action on climate change
Je suis migrant. (If only). [h/t Kenneth Roth]
Why migration matters: Nepali migrants sent $6bn back home in 2013, roughly 1/3 of country’s GDP (and they will send home a lot more in response to the earthquake).
New TripAdvisor style platform allows 1m Syrian refugees in Lebanon to search and rate aid and commercial services
Who’s gonna get it on, come this Thursday’s UK General Election? Another coalition looks highly likely – cue this brilliant lip synching from Sky News [h/t Charlie Beckett] [youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”][/youtube]