Random World Cup bit: With their profession’s legendary record on prediction, The Economist forecasts the winners
Good Health; Bad Health:
Great overview of the Universal Health Coverage debate/new research from the ODI’s Kevin Watkins
2.1 billion people (30% of the global population) are now obese or overweight. 2/3 of the obese live in developing countries [h/t William Moseley]
It’s like Uganda Herbalife, only way, way more evil… [h/t Campaign for Boring Development]
Where’s the global drive for Tobacco Control?
Other stuff:
Showing Ethiopians an inspirational documentary changes their attitudes to education, savings etc [h/t Rakesh Rajani]
Sexism kills: female-named hurricanes kill more than male hurricanes because people don’t respect them, study finds
The Weekly Piketty:
The backlash against Piketty was inevitable; that it would be led by the Financial Times wasn’t:
The FT has “damaged its brand” by its treatment of the French wizard [h/t Owen Barder]
Paul Krugman delivers a smart smackdown of the ‘doubt is our product’ crew
All the Piketty reviews you ever wanted… (and some you didn’t) y en español [h/t Branko Milanovic]
Nepotism niche: Another great Plan International video from my sister in law, Mary Matheson. This one is on girls’ education ahead of the Global Partnership for Education pledging conference later this month