The campaign for the 7 May UK election is heating up folks: The areas in red have only ever had white male MPs [h/t Federica Cocco]
Global Justice Now’s #FreeTheSeeds campaign: Are outsiders imposing disastrous noble-savageism, or defending Africa’s food security?
Can religious groups help to prevent violent conflict? Nice examples from Nigeria, DRC,
Most desired jobs in Britain: Author 60% Academic 51% Investment Banker 26% [/h/t Conrad Hackett]
Time to move on from income inequality and the Gini index. We need new ways to measure different kinds of inequality
And now for some Videos I’d Vote for
Winner of WaterAid/ WorldView’s SH2Orts competition. Walking to the moon (16 times) to fetch water. A film by Sven Harding
[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”][/youtube]
An Indian superman carries a motorbike on his head. Up a ladder. And no-one even comments. [h/t Richard Cunliffe] [youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”][/youtube]
Total gotcha TV: Pesticide lobbyist Patrick Moore says glyphosate weedkiller is so safe people can drink it, but then is offered some to drink on camera. ‘I’d be happy to. Not really. I’m not stupid’.