Links I Liked

March 2, 2015

     By Duncan Green     

Forget mixed panels, how often do you see this at a conference? (although a crèche might have made her life easier…..) [h/t Rahma M Mian]Pakistan cyberspace conf

Wonder what Dominique Strauss-Kahn would make of the IMF’s new report on national restrictions on women’s rights

‘Number of wrecked airplanes near the runway of the main airport’. Crowd-sourced “Real World Development Indicators” from Chris Blattman

Map of African regime types, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index (27/54 countries are ”authoritiarian/nominal democracy’)

Anti-drug policies cost $100bn a year, don’t work, and often harm poor farmers and the environment according to a new Health Poverty Action report

From the perils of micromanagement to the wonders of cash transfers: great 7 part rethink of aid by former USAID staffer Diana Ohlbaum

David Booth of ODI summarizes big research project with ‘5 myths about governance and development‘, including that there is no evidential basis for David Cameron’s ‘golden thread’ argument that one leads to the other.

American Dream v social mobility reality, all done with lego. Smart 4m video from Richard Reeves at the Brookings Institution. Wd love to see ones for BRICS, UK etc

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March 2, 2015
Duncan Green
