
Links I Liked

July 25, 2022

     By Duncan Green     

Caravaggio with fan edited in.

Heads up: Comments will be closed on the blog this week, as part of sorting out the internal plumbing. Sorry about that. Back up next week

Too hot to read last week, so here are some graphics

Yes, it was indeed very hot (ht Peter Anthony for the Caravaggio)

Here’s NASA’s climate spiral to prove it

In the 30 countries surveyed in the past decade, dissatisfaction with democracy has increased by 8 percentage points on average. Though Africans remain resolute in their support for democracy

Increased dissatisfaction with democracy

In case you’re not sufficiently freaked out by artificial intelligence and technology more generally, take a look at “How Normal Am I?” (I’m 67% normal, apparently – disappointingly high) ht Ruth Levine

Thinking fast v slow (ht Kareem Carr)

Lack of peer review

Covid vaccine figures lay bare global inequality as global target missed 

Vaccination rate by income

If you haven’t been following the hearings into the 6th Jan 2021 Capitol attack, here’s an 8m highlights reel

July 25, 2022
Duncan Green
