We start with Russian wreckage:
Any good explanations for why a tumble dryer was to be seen in the remains of this Russian helicopter in Ukraine?
Someone actually made a David Attenborough style voiceover for this video of a destroyed Russian tank. Ht Christian Borys
The changing way young people engage with climate change. ‘They didn’t need to hear about emission trajectories: they needed to hear about trajectories of popular struggle, when and how people without power changed the world.’ ht PS Baker
US development assistance under the Biden Administration. A lot of inertia – USAID and its Congressional allies fought off attempts by Trump to cut/downgrade aid, but others are now resisting Biden’s efforts to increase/upgrade it.
Two contrasting video introductions to my weird country
Proud to be British: Handy 7 second illustration of the gulf that separates Americans from Brits
Not so much: Mother of Parliaments, with soundtrack. Profoundly odd. ht Soren Jarnvig