US and UK politics summed up in a couple of pics
Happy 90th birthday Robert Chambers – what a hero. Here are some tributes to his (ongoing) work. I want to be like him when I grow up…..
A Kenyan citizen phones up the IMF switchboard and asks to cancel Kenya’s loan. V funny, and have to admire the IMF person’s exemplary handling of a prank call.
Who Uses Open Access Research? ‘Half of all report downloads are used for non-academic purposes, including to improve the provision of services by medical professionals, local and regional planners, public health workers, and veterans’ advocates’
‘By forcing opponents to lawyer up instead of building movements and pursuing state power, the right can pose as the defenders of an assailed, disfranchised majority.’ Interesting critique of judicial activism
India Burning: White = more than 60 degrees. Centigrade. That’s 140 fahrenheit …. For more background, see the New Humanitarian
Every political debate ever (ht Larry and Paul)
Last word to Sr Joan Chittister