The academic roller coaster. ht Jay van Bavel
Two interesting posts on the slow demise of personal blogging. Tobias Denskus on Are personal #globaldev blogs a thing of the past? Mark Carrigan on ‘Are personal academic blogs a thing of the past? I’m starting to feel like the last of the Mohicans on this one….
The Ukraine:
‘The most obvious lesson that we can draw from the confiscation of Russian oligarchs’ assets is that pre-February 24 Russia was not an oligarchy, as many believed’. Insights from the incomparable Branko Milanovic on the long-term impact of sanctions
Why are so many African and Asian nations ambivalent about Russia’s invasion?
The Horn:
Alarm bells but little action as Horn of Africa faces unprecedented drought: ‘For Somalia, the most drought-affected, with 7.7 million people in need, its appeal is less than four percent funded, a stark contrast to fundraising efforts over Ukraine.’
Raising cash for water: why Somalis are bypassing aid agencies in drought crisis. Interesting example of Diaspora v Official Aid in disaster response…
Why the Past 10 Years of American Life have been Uniquely Stupid, by Jonathan Haidt. Great long read in The Atlantic. ‘Social scientists identified at 3 major forces that collectively bind together successful democracies: social capital, strong institutions, and shared stories. Social media has weakened all three.’ Ht Alex Evans.
Every Tudor history documentary, with the wonderful Suzanne Primate ht Eleanor Morton