First the unavoidable COP-out:

Must be a metaphor for something, just can’t quite put my finger on it….
Superb backgrounder on the last (first?) 30 years of climate negotiations from Geoffrey Lean (whose twitter bio says he’s the ‘World’s longest-serving (50 yrs) environment journo’).

Carbon inequality: in 2030 world’s richest 1% will have per capita consumption emissions 30 times higher than the global per capita level that is compatible with 1.5⁰C of warming. Footprints of the poorest 1/2 of world population will still be several times below that level. New Oxfam paper by Tim Gore
‘Must be easier to phase out women than coal’ Top snark from Justine Nolan
But the Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, stole the show – a riveting 8 minutes. Ht Aaron Bastani
And on to other stuff:
‘I propose a subtle but important shift in way we understand localisation: one that swings away from focusing on localising the humanitarian sector and moves towards supporting local humanitarian solutions.’ Arbie Baguios onto something in this post on ‘localization reimagined’.
Samantha Power lays out her vision for USAID: 3 pillars of new strategy: make aid more accessible by diversifying partners; more equitable by incorporating voices of the most marginalized, and more responsive by listening to partners.
‘This for Amartya Sen’s birthday, Nov 3rd. As a student in Cambridge, tired of eating cod in the college cafe, one day when the cafe lady again brought cod, he hastily said, “No”, & then heard a new cafe staff softly berate the lady, “Don’t you know, cod is their sacred fish.”’ Ht Kaushik Basu
Making Anti-Corruption Effective: A New Approach. Write-up of a great LSE lecture by Mushtaq Khan. Also on podcast and this video (skip past my intro please).
And with that I’m off on holiday – back in a week or so.