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September 13, 2021

     By Duncan Green     

UK aid a year after the abolition of DFID:

‘One year in, our fears have materialized. The FCDO has veered away from a poverty focus, its commitment to development effectiveness has waned, and its expertise has been heavily diluted.’

What will be the likely effects of reducing the UK’s aid budget? Damning round-up of what we know so far from ODI’s Marcus Manuel

Three lessons for Africa from Zambia’s landslide opposition victory. Excellent analysis by Sishuwa Sishuwa and Nic Cheeseman of what can be learned/transferred – economic crisis + opposition learning & unity + committed and sophisticated civil society.

America is weird (and getting weirder?). Exhibit #245

Magic moment, two massive whales decide to play, v gently, with a paddleboarder off Argentina, and a passing drone captures all.

‘Obesity is “highly correlated” with national corruption. The physics prize honoured research that explained why pedestrians are not constantly colliding’. And rhinos are best transported upside down. Please take some time out today to enjoy this year’s Ig Nobel prizes.

We need to get vaccines to countries where few of the population have been vaccinated so far”. Boosters must wait. Thankyou Prof Dame Sarah Gilbert (who led the development of Oxford AstraZeneca). Anyone listening?

If, like me,  you are mourning the loss of Michael K Williams, who played Omar Little in The Wire (aka the best TV series ever made), you should watch this extraordinarily prescient discussion with himself on being typecast

September 13, 2021
Duncan Green
