Posting today and tomorrow then taking a planned (as opposed to enforced) blog break to enjoy the Welsh rain (aka a staycation). Back early July.
Lots of interesting stuff on aid quantity and quality (or lack of).
The OECD has crunched the Aid numbers for 2020. Sweden, France, Germany, US all stepping up despite falling GDP. UK down at the shameful end, with fellow aid cutters like Italy, Greece and Australia.

Blind faith in aid donor private sector partnerships alone won’t reduce inequalities. By Claire Godfrey
‘Foreign aid tends to flow to richer parts of recipient countries. Not because aid is thought to work better there; the opposite is true. It is because it is hard to oversee implementation in poorer, rural, or remote parts of recipient countries.’ Ouch.
The best public investment ever? IMF reckons $50bn could end the pandemic.
Bangladesh: Growth Miracle or Mirage?
Cristiano Ronaldo removes two bottles from his press conference, says drink water instead. Wipes $4bn off Coca-Cola’s market value. Mind. Blown.

Connecting the dots ht Sony Kapoor. Don’t get ‘insights’ one tho
4 ways corporates use campaign tactics: Activist CEO; Product based campaigning; Community Organising; Activist Brands
A Texas high school valedictorian tossed her approved speech & spoke out against the state’s abortion law instead. Respect Paxton Smith.