
Links I Liked

April 12, 2021

     By Duncan Green     

Food security outcomes in Tigray

Worsening food crisis in Tigray as hunger is used as a weapon of war (powerful interview with Alex de Waal) amid attempts to erase its identity

Some of the excellent websites, podcasts, blogs social media accounts and activism campaigns run by students, staff and alumni from my LSE Department (International Development)

Backlash against aid cuts is growing:

‘Balancing the books during a pandemic on the backs of the world’s poorest is unacceptable.’ The UK’s top clerics are mobilising

‘Foreign aid can help stem the decline of democracy, if used in the right way’. Interesting findings from new paper

If wealth were distributed equally

Powerful infographic on global v national redistribution, ht Jonathan Glennie

Some good stuff from Oxfam:

The Food Fight Continues. Good summary of a decade of campaigning + policy engagement with global food corps

Big randomization on gender of interviewers and interviewees in Oxfam evaluations concludes best results come from pairing women-women and men-men

What’s the Latest Economic Research on Africa? A Round-up of Nearly One Hundred Studies from human research sponges David Evans and Amina Mendez Acosta

What is the impact of Covid 19 on fragile contexts? The OECD is tracking the latest data on rates, secondary impacts & vaccine equity

A (very) big ship and a tiny bulldozer – best meme format Ever Given?

Solving the weight of existence with two beers
Solving covid-related anxiety with mindfulness
April 12, 2021
Duncan Green
