Gonna let the dust settle before I attempt to pull together some thoughts on the US election, but in the meantime:
There weren’t many laughs, so thanks to Owen Barder for ‘This is how an election count looks in a well-functioning democracy.’
And elsewhere, some nice gallows humour. Egypt v Brazil v US on election counting times. Egypt wins (I think…)

A blast from a very distant past (2008): check out thisconcession speech by John McCain
Calling all economists: Oxfam is inviting you to fill in this questionnaire about the state of inequality in your country. The results will go into its annual report for the next (presumably virtual) Davos gathering of the super-rich. Also in Spanish and French. Deadline’s tomorrow, but it only takes 5m. They’re looking for a geographic spread and particularly keen to have economists from China, Japan, S Korea and Nigeria.
Good reminder from The New Humanitarian. What’s being drowned out by the US election
What Interventions Deliver the Most Quality Years of Education? And at What Price? A monster crunch of 150 research papers by Dave Evans and pals found: the top three performing classes of interventions are Giving families info about how much school improves a child’s future earnings; teacher professional development & monitoring; making sure content being taught is correct for each child’s level.
Two student write-ups of recent LSE ‘Cutting Edge Issues in Development’ events: Saleemul Huq on climate change, and a panel on China in Africa (youtube recordings also available)
Europe 2020 at its most surreal. A pianist in Barcelona playing a rendition of the Bangles’ hit Eternal Flame amid the sound of explosions, wailing sirens and protesters
And finally, back to the US where, like lots of other people, I suspect, I was crying in sympathy as Van Jones conveyed just how much the result means to a lot of Americans: