The cartoon that Winnie Byanyima keeps on her office wall
The reductive seduction of other people’s problems. Great essay on the pitfalls of northern voluntourism: ‘don’t go because you’ve fallen in love with solvability. Go because you’ve fallen in love with complexity.’
‘The average woman is willing to give up 19 percent of the maximum total amount in order to keep the cash from her husband.’ Randomistas are pretty odd some time, but this study on cash transfers & women’s empowerment is interesting
White saviour communication rituals in 10 easy steps. Good summary from Aidnography’s Tobias Denskus of the latest poverty porn debacle
Great News! Oxford University Press has published an International edition of Jean Dreze’s book Sense and Solidarity: Jholawala Economics for Everyone, including Open Access. My review here.
Millions of Ugandans quit the internet after the introduction of a social media tax on 60 online platforms, including Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter. To use such sites, Ugandans now have to pay a tax of 200 Ugandan shillings (4p) a day.
Props to the mighty University of California system for boycotting rip-off Elsevier journals and putting together a great guide to finding journal articles through Open Access instead.
“It’s like a summertime paradise, likewise butterflies in twilight. See the Larch rolling miles upon miles, when we meet satisfied Popeye,”’ Truly bizarre rap video on China’s rise.
White Saviour: the movie trailer