Links I Liked

January 14, 2019

     By Duncan Green     

Back to work. And some people are lucky enough to feel like this airline worker, who danced on the tarmac to cheer up a crying kid. Others look more like the cartoon, right. Guess I’m a bit of both.

In London and in need of brain food? New World Disorders, a week-long series of LSE events exploring how social science can tackle global issues. 25 Feb – 2 March, free to attend and open to all.

The Boston Dynamics robots just keep getting more and more terrifying (especially the dogbot) ht Mashable

The squeeze on civil society in Brazil has begun through a temporary decree to supervise and coordinate INGO and NGO activities ht Mandeep Singh Tiwana

Meet Oxfam GB’s new boss, Danny Sriskandarajah, who started last week

What are the limitations to ‘working with the grain’. Thoughtful from Brian Levy.

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any weirder, Ivanka Trump is rumoured to be in the running to run the World Bank

Staying with Trumpy things. First the Daily Show uncovers a 2004 video of Donald Trump saying ‘’If there’s a wall in front of you, go over it, go through it, go around it’. Then there’s 1958 film about a con man named Trump (no relation, obvs) who fearmongers blue collar townsfolk into building a wall they don’t need. One man stands against him when all else fails. In the end, Trump tries to skip town—but gets arrested. Spooky. ht Qasim Rashid

January 14, 2019
Duncan Green
