Whatever the eventual decision, some images of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings are indelible – like the expressions on the faces of the women behind him……
I’m heading to Mexico this week to launch How Change Happens in Spanish (Como Ocurren los Cambios). Will stick up links to events as I get them.
Enjoyed talking to Frank News about what constitutes effective activism.
How to get down steps with style
They’ll be queuing up for this: Rethinking Capitalism – a new elective module for UCL undergraduates
Ireland solidifies its position as the #1 tax haven. US firms book more profits in Ireland than in China, Japan, Germany, France & Mexico combined. Irish tax rate: 5.7%
‘The unprecedented loosening of state control has been accompanied by an upsurge in ethnic violence and widespread lawlessness. Hate speech thrives on social media.’ Thoughtful photo essay on the Ethiopian Spring.
Make Your Research Known – 10 Tools to Increase Consumption of Your Research. Mostly standard stuff, until you get to the cartoon and the evidence card….
Public support for more EU aid has grown significantly in the last two years ht Simon Maxwell
… or Kavanaugh v Samuel L Jackson. Outstanding.