Links I Liked

September 26, 2018

     By Duncan Green     

Eat, ray, love

Why commas really do matter

An extraordinary piece of investigative journalism by BBC Africa uses all the digital arts to track down the culprits of an atrocity captured on an anonymous video – 2 women & 2 young children are led away by a group of soldiers. They are blindfolded, forced to the ground, and shot 22 times

‘More than half of aid spent on procurement still goes to rich countries’ firms – almost two decades after commitment to end ‘tied aid’’. New Eurodad report

Turns out gender inequality is bad for men’s health. ‘Living in a country with gender equality benefits men’s health: lower mortality rates, half the chance of being depressed, lower suicide rates, and a 40% reduced risk of violent death.’ WHO Europe briefing ht Pete Hennessy

A recording of my recent ‘research for influence’ webinar for On Think Tanks is now online.

Check out Participedia – ‘crowdsource, catalogue and compare participatory political processes around the world.’

If you want to stay up to date with our LSE team’s work on ‘Public Authority’, sign up here

Hard to think of anything more humiliating than having your absurd bragging laughed at by the world’s leaders assembled at the UN. I wonder what price the UN will have to pay? Oxfam America also delivered a powerful ‘not in our name’ rebuttal to the president’s address.

September 26, 2018
Duncan Green
