Links I Liked

June 4, 2018

     By Duncan Green     

We all need better influencing strategies for our bosses. Dilbert has useful advice on what works.

Using ignorance and fear

How Brexit will affect each ingredient of the full English breakfast – now you’ve got my attention.

Europe’s curse of wealth: migration and spiralling inequality. Branko Milanovic at brilliant best

Couple of me-related things. Speaking at the LSE launch of the World Inequality Report on Thursday, and the paperback version of How Change Happens is now on sale in bookshops – a snip at £8.99.

New US rules require large companies to disclose the ratio of their CEO’s wages to the firm average. Here’s the results by sector for 700 large firms, c/o The Economist. Take a bow Marathon Petroleum, with the highest ratio of 935:1.

Ratio of CEO pay to median employee pay

Ms Geek Africa competition. The latest winner is Salissou Hassane Latifa from Niger, who wrote an app that promises to help accident victims.

‘The likelihood of gaining tenure at a top economics department is about 26% higher for faculty with an A-surname than with a Z-surname.‘ Alphabetical name ordering on publications is discriminatory and harmful to collaborations (writes someone called Weber, who should probably change his name to Aardvark)

So as a migrant in Europe, all you have to do is scale four floors on the outside of a building and save a dangling baby, and you get citizenship and a job in the fire brigade. Kudos to Le Spiderman, but is this really the way to manage migration?……

June 4, 2018
Duncan Green
