
Links I Liked

August 29, 2023

     By Duncan Green     

The FT’s John Burn Murdoch doing his amazing data thing again, this time to show just how bad urban transport is in the UK.

This is so sad. I really love the India Club, right opposite LSE and now it’s closing because the landlord wants to cash in. Bah!

Can AI help with the heavy lifting of research communications? Some really good suggestions here.

Which other initial words/phrases would merit the fiery pit? ht Nicholas Colloff

Very good overview of Knowledge Brokering Organisations’, especially the UK’s network of ‘What Works’ centres. Closer to government, and less advocacy driven than thinktanks, but plenty of difficult politics to navigate.

No blue tick for me then….

Have to admire the priorities here

August 29, 2023
Duncan Green
