Only Nikola Tesla describing a cell phone in an interview conducted by journalist John B. Kennedy. In 1926.
Oxfam’s newly updated Make Change Happen course for activists opens on June 19th. 8 week free online course developed in partnership with Open University. Super popular 15k registered for first version and their feedback was v +ve. Deets and register here
Some really good stuff from the OECD recently:
- ‘Aid spending on global public goods by members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) has grown from an estimated 37% of average bilateral ODA in 2007-11 to around 60% in 2017-21’. Where global public goods meet development aid.
- 1.3 million traffic-related deaths + 50m life changing injuries per year. Mostly poor people in poor countries. And really easy to fix – no new vaccines, just pavements/sidewalks, safety belts etc. So why are Unsafe Roads an afterthought in global dev discussions?
- The elephant in the room: In-donor refugee costs. Good explainer on what can/can’t/doesn’t have to be counted as aid
‘an endemic humanitarian crisis with no end in sight’ How the US-Mexico border became an unrelenting humanitarian crisis
Mohga Kamal-Yanni gives a brilliant demonstration of how to get a radical, vital message on global health across in 2 minutes. Do please listen to her 5 points and reflect. ht Joel Bassuk