Apologies for the initial dose of anglocentrism in today’s LiL. Just couldn’t help myself…..

Kieran Hodgson does (all of) Happy Valley. Priceless. ht James Norton
Pope Francis’s visit to the DRC: The Congolese are divided over the Pontiff’s pronouncements
Oxfam GB boss Danny Sriskandarajah gets grilled on BBC Hardtalk. Video and podcast. Don’t think they laid a glove on him – views?
Loved Malala’s very public domestic with her partner on what to do with his smelly socks. He responded with a poll on whether socks should go in the laundry or bin – he lost.
Found socks on sofa, asked @MalikAsser if they were his, he said the socks were dirty and I can put them away. So I took them and put them in the (rubbish) bin.
— Malala Yousafzai (@Malala) February 4, 2023
The power of juxtaposition. Turkish photographer Ugur Gallenkus portrays two different worlds within a single image. ht PSBaker
‘Economics has become like catholic theology in medieval Europe’. Peak Ha-Joon Chang. Enjoy.