
Links I Liked

February 13, 2023

     By Duncan Green     

Apologies for the initial dose of anglocentrism in today’s LiL. Just couldn’t help myself…..

‘Nobody expects the left-wing economic establishment’ Monty Python greets Liz Truss’ short-lived attempted comeback

Kieran Hodgson does (all of) Happy Valley. Priceless. ht James Norton

Pope Francis’s visit to the DRC: The Congolese are divided over the Pontiff’s pronouncements

Oxfam GB boss Danny Sriskandarajah gets grilled on BBC Hardtalk. Video and podcast. Don’t think they laid a glove on him – views?

Loved Malala’s very public domestic with her partner on what to do with his smelly socks. He responded with a poll on whether socks should go in the laundry or bin – he lost.

The power of juxtaposition. Turkish photographer Ugur Gallenkus portrays two different worlds within a single image. ht PSBaker

‘Economics has become like catholic theology in medieval Europe’. Peak Ha-Joon Chang. Enjoy.

February 13, 2023
Duncan Green
