
Links I Liked

January 23, 2023

     By Duncan Green     

Singhsburys v Morrisinghs……

A tragedy pushed to the shadows: the truth about China’s Cultural Revolution. Evocative long read from Tania Branigan, excerpted from her new book.

Top Oxfam job: Head of Washington DC office, influencing the IMF, World Bank etc. Following the excellent Nadia Daar. Deadline 29th Jan

Governance diaries: a method that brings together the strengths of ethnographic, longitudinal, and comparative work to study changes in complex behaviour. Open access. Great that IDS is developing this work – if you are interested in finding out how life is really lived, it’s a really important and practical alternative to fly-in fly-out, or 4-years-in-a-village options.

V funky dataviz of OECD’s latest aid stats (up to and including 2021)

Another debt crisis on the way? Here’s Laurie Lee. If so, a lot more complicated this time around – look at the private debt numbers. Harder to campaign on or renegotiate than Paris Club and Multilateral.

This. ‘root causes lay well below the surface – a complex intersection of resource distribution, corruption, normalised behaviours, relationships & allegiances – that no outsider had the local intelligence, legitimacy and influence to shift’ A localisation journey – the Vanuatu Skills Partnership

The Economic Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Top podcast from Adam Tooze

Ice Mountains of Pluto as seen from New Horizon spacecraft. Amazing footage.

January 23, 2023
Duncan Green
