A polarized nation: Donald Trump won every subgroup of white voters except female college grads. He lost every single subgroup of non-white voters. [h/t Caroline O]
Saturday Night Live has had a brilliant election campaign, and finished it off in style with this moving tribute from Kate McKinnon (as Hillary Clinton), brilliantly combining a tribute to Leonard Cohen and Hillary Clinton. For great artists and more women in politics (and in comedy, for that matter) – Hallelujah.
Meanwhile, back out there in the rest of the world:
Angus Deaton and Nancy Cartwright summarize their critique of randomized controlled trials
Tensions are brewing in East Africa after low cost private schools, funded by the Gates Foundation and DFID, were ordered to close by a Ugandan court
(Lots of) academic job market advice for economics, political science, public policy, and other professional schools from the always wise Chris Blattman, including this handy guide to the differences between academic and policy research.
DfID explains the future of its NGO funding. Useful backgrounder on DFID’s long awaited Civil Society Partnership Review to new policy
How do we evaluate adaptive management and strategic learning? Smart thinking from Kimberly Bowman on Oxfam’s new and promising ‘Real Geek’ blog
And finally thanks to Paul Ladd, Richard Cunliffe, Bianca Pereira Passaro and Ted van Hees for organizing some great launch events in Switzerland and the Netherlands last week, including this novel combo of HCH powerpoint and Kurdish Syrian/Dutch guitars