Links I Liked

November 7, 2016

     By Duncan Green     

Waiting for stuff is such a pain isn’t it? From the Boston Globefrustrating-wait-times

Irresistible listicle, especially the nuclear powered vacuum cleaners: 10 predictions for the future that got it wildly wrong

Smoking kills more people in low- and middle-income countries than TB, malaria and AIDS combined. Taxing tobacco is the obvious and best solution, so why doesn’t it happen?

COP22 will be the nerdy friend to its glamorous Parisian predecessor’. Useful curtain raiser for this week’s big climate change talks in Marrakech

afrobarometer-infographic-china-in-africa-2016_0China is often more popular with African publics than the US or former colonial powers. New Afrobarometer survey

Some inequality number crunching. The upward march of the top 1% (but at very different speeds in different countries). And the world’s most equal country (by income Gini) is the Ukraine, followed by Slovenia. Who knew?

Simple, disturbing, and a total downer if you happen to be male. This short film turns the tables on gender roles with devastating effect [h/t Maria Popova]

November 7, 2016
Duncan Green
