Politicians’ medical reports aren’t what they were [h/t Amol Rajan]
Unleash your inner geek – introducing Real Geek, Oxfam’s new blog on monitoring & evaluation
High Level UN report criticises pharma industry, abuse of intellectual property laws and calls for rethink. Props to Oxfam’s Winnie Byanyima and Mohga Kamal Yanni for their influence.
Gig economy heads South. Uber-type apps for domestic workers (maids, cooks, gardeners) are now emerging in countries like India, Mexico and South Africa.
Doonesbury’s crystal ball. This is from November 1999. Extraordinary. [h/t Ziya Tong]
Choices, choices. Brilliant advice to would-be students from Chris Blattman on making the most of college, whether to go to grad school, should you do a PhD. Plus some useful tips on landing the first job in aid/development after all that study.
Someone put up this awful sign, and now the people who live here call the place they live “Low Cost Village”. Really. [h/t Ben Phillips]
Fascinating 18 month study of how UK Health Departmen policymakers access knowledge and advice. Must read for advocates.
Mamie’s Dream: in virtual reality (use the navikeys, but you really need a headset). One woman’s story of FGM, prejudice & empowerment. New film by my tech innovator sister-in-law Mary Matheson. Any other VR films emerging in the aid biz?