Links I Liked

August 15, 2016

     By Duncan Green     

Olympics slot:Simone Biles

Simones rock (Biles and Manuel)

If you like a nice Cork accent, listen up to Ireland’s O’Donovan brothers in the rowing (they ended up winning silver)

Brilliant Dani Rodrik piece questioning the demands for global governance: he thinks we should be sceptical, except where truly global public goods are at stake (eg climate change), but elsewhere it can do more harm than good

Six steps for academics looking to achieve policy change. Excellent guide/food for thought for going beyond the basics

Love this 2m satire from Uganda on silicon valley innovation hype, with a nice development edge (h/t Chris Blattman)

US elections slot

US election narrativeDetails of Trump’s Economic Plan. My favourite ‘Large numbers for everyone’

Clever – the narrative for both the main candidates, just read it in different directions (h/t Andy Grewal)

Africa’s most innovative – and controversial – tech hacks. Truly smart

‘Development mutants elevators’. Smart thinking on innovation and big aid from Giulio Quaggiotto

If the world were 100 people. Brilliant 2.5 minute animation summarizes state of global demographics, human development, technology etc

August 15, 2016
Duncan Green
