In York at the Development Studies Association conference next week? Come and say hello

September 16, 2011

     By Duncan Green     

Development Studies talkathon in York next week, why not drop in to Oxfam’s panel on the new EADIGROW campaign, catchily titled ‘Rethinking Development in an Age of Scarcity and Uncertainty: New Values, Voices and Alliances.’ It’s on Wednesday 21st September at 2.30 in room 123 in Vanbrugh college, and features the following line-up of top notch gabsters (and me): How does Oxfam campaign for change? What is the link to research? Duncan Green, Oxfam researcher Food Justice in a Resource Constrained World, Rob Bailey. Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House) and Exfam(Rob wrote the launch report for the campaign) Rethinking economics for a hungry and fragile planet, Kate Raworth, Oxfam researcher, leading on new economics Engaging Northern Publics: Major Blocks and New Solutions, Martin Kirk, head of UK campaigns and frames obsessive Discussant: Claire Melamed, head of Growth and Equity team, Overseas Development Institute (and she has never worked for Oxfam) Grow logoBlurb: In June 2011, Oxfam launched GROW, its new, four year global campaign on the theme of ‘food justice in a resource-constrained world’. The campaign, the most ambitious since ‘Make Poverty History’ in 2005, links the issues of hunger, resource constraints and climate change and arguing for a paradigmatic shift both in thinking and policy to respond to the new challenges created the combination of rising hunger, increasing climate chaos, and binding constraints on resources such as water, carbon and fertile soil. In this panel, speakers will set out the thinking and research that underpins the campaign, and explain how Oxfam seeks to achieve change through a combination of public mobilization and elite influencing. Oxfam’s Cat Pettengell and Jo Lofthouse are also starring in a panel on building the capacity of communities to adapt to climate change –  Thursday at 2.30 in room P/L002 at the exhibition centre. And come and see the exhibition stand featuring the new Oxfam Policy and Practice website, where 3000 files of research documents, policy papers, advocacy briefings, monitoring and evaluation reports, journal articles, and books rub digital shoulders with up-to-date information on areas of Oxfam programme work. Hope to see you there……]]>

September 16, 2011
Duncan Green
